21 April 2015
13 June 2014
(le français suivra)
Thursday June 12, 2014
I’m proud to announce the continuation of the INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY, the first intergenerational artist-in-residency program for LGBTQ artists in Canada. The residency will take place with the support of the Ontario Arts Council, private donors, and the collaboration of Artscape Gibraltar Point, on the Toronto Island July 1 to 15, 2014.
The INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY offers studio space and free room and board to artists for the duration of the two-week residency. Residents will also receive mentoring and studio visits from critically acclaimed artists, and curators, as well as collectors and art historians. Our partner is Artscape Gibraltar Point, an artist residency and retreat center nestled on the Toronto Island near Hanlan’s Point. Leading figures in Canadian contemporary art, artists, collectors, curators and art historians, will serve as mentors, who by providing residents with one-on-one studio visits and support will participate in the community the residency generates. The aim of this residency is to help create a vision and experience of LGBT longevity through shared practice, art career management training, and community building. Right now, there is no real vision for LGBTQ longevity. There is little to no plan for LGBT elder care. There is a dearth of medical investment around the aging trans body. Simultaneous to this, neither Canadian LGBTQ political history nor Canadian LGBTQ art history is taught or shared in any kind of organized or widespread way. Only a privileged few who get a certain kind of humanities education, might seek out LGBTQ art history, and this is more likely to be about American artists and American historical events. Typically this results in a fixation on that which alleges to be 'new', because there is no sense of trajectory or lineage. An explicitly Canadian artist residency with an intergenerational LGBTQ cohort can strengthen the vision and community we offer one another.
The INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY is very pleased to announce the artists for the inaugural 2014 residency:
Micha CARDENAS (Toronto, Ontario/Los Angeles, California)
Derek DUNLOP (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Syrus Marcus WARE (Toronto, Ontario)
Micha CARDENAS is a scholar, and artist using dance, text and interactive technology. She is working on a series of movement and poetry performances, videos and an interactive online experience.
Derek DUNLOP using Queer abstraction, drawing and painting processes, he will explore three new formal approaches to making works on paper arising out of his recent work in the studio.
Syrus Marcus WARE is Syrus Marcus Ware is a visual artist, community activist, youth-advocate and educator. He is working on
large-scale painting themed around archives, LGBT storytelling and LGBT activism in Toronto.
The jurors also chose two alternates. Thanks to a generous donor, the alternates can still participate in the 2014 INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY by sharing the studios and being a part of the residency community. This will enrich the 2014 residency experience for all of the participants.
Alec BUTLER (Toronto, Ontario) Alec is developing “My Friend Brindley” a documentary about the late local unsung hero and historic figure Brindley, their friendship, art and activism, and the forbidden subject of death and grieving.
Joshua VETTIVELU (Thornhill, Ontario) will use the landscapes of Gibraltar Point and surrounding islands to develop land artworks, temporary sculpture and video.
We wish to thank all those who applied! We received applications from across Canada, from Halifax to the Prairies to Quebec and even California, North Carolina and Brooklyn,. Jurors were faced with the difficult task of selecting only a few among the many excellent applications. Our 2014 cohort of Artists in Residence was juried by Elisha Lim (artist), Kelly McCray (curator) and Kathleen Pirrie Adams (curator and professor, School of Image Arts, Ryerson University). Each of these award winning artist educators brings a depth of history and experience to the process, broadening the credibility and gravitas of the project. We considered a variety of criteria in the selection process in order to put together a coherent and balanced cohort of residents.
Applicants for the INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY included a broad range of ages and career points and genders. The work submitted for review was passionate, rigorous and inspired, showcasing a diverse array of mediums, and exciting practices. We hope those who were not offered a residency this year are aware of the crucial role they played in developing this project, and feel encouraged to apply again next year.
The residency will bring both new creative perspectives and prestigious art professionals together at Artscape Gibraltar Point. Located in the former Toronto Island Public and Natural Science School, Artscape Gibraltar Point offers retreat space, artist studios and accommodations for artists . A short walk from Toronto’s clothing optional beaches at Hanlan’s Point, Gibraltar Point enjoys it’s own semi private beach. The beach is shielded from the road by a stand of natural brush and trees. There are designated wooden walkways through this natural area to ensure that foot traffic does not degrade it. To the descendants of the Ojibwa, now the Mississauga First Nation, the Toronto Islands are sacred land. The tranquil, idyllic setting at Artscape Gibraltar Point is world-renowned as a centre for members of the artistic and non-profit communities to think, experiment, collaborate and share ideas.
On July 14, there will be a concluding public event which will both celebrate the achievement of the Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency and its participants, as well as honour the donors, and raise funds for the continuation and expansion of the residency in 2015.
Please visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ILGBTArtistResidency and our website http://www.queerartistresidency.ca for updates about the artists and the public events. Interested parties can also donate via Paypal, on our website.
By exploring Canadian LGBT art history and artistic practice, while supporting artists and art production, we could foster communication across generational lines with this community building initiative. The INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY highlights the trajectory and longevity of LGBT art both historically and reaching into the future. We look forward to seeing you on the island!
Jeudi le 12 juin 2014
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer la seconde édition du PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT, le premier programme de résidence du genre au Canada. La résidence aura lieu grâce au soutien du Conseil des arts de l’Ontario et de donateurs particuliers avec la collaboration du centre Artscape Gibraltar Point. Elle prendra place sur l’île de Toronto du 1er au 14 juillet 2014.
Jeudi le 12 juin 2014
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer la seconde édition du PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT, le premier programme de résidence du genre au Canada. La résidence aura lieu grâce au soutien du Conseil des arts de l’Ontario et de donateurs particuliers avec la collaboration du centre Artscape Gibraltar Point. Elle prendra place sur l’île de Toronto du 1er au 14 juillet 2014.
PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT offre aux participant.e.s une résidence gratuite avec studio, chambre et pension pendant deux semaines. Les artistes bénéficieront également du mentorat et de visites de studio de la part d’artistes, de commissaires, de collectionneurs et d’historiens d’art renommés. Ces figures acclamées du domaine de l’art contemporain au Canada participeront au développement de l’esprit communautaire généré par la résidence en offrant du mentorat personnel à chaque participant.e. Notre partenaire pour ce projet est le centre Artscape Gibraltar Point, lieu de retraite et résidence d’artistes situé sur l’île de Toronto tout près de Hanlan’s point.
Le programme de résidence vise à faciliter une conception et une expérience de la longévité LGBT en offrant un espace pour le partage de pratiques, la formation en gestion de carrière artistique et le développement communautaire. À l’heure actuelle, il n’y existe pas de vision concrète de la longévité LGBT. Il n’y a aucun investissement sur le vieillissement du corps trans de la part de la communauté médicale et aucune stratégie pour soigner les aîné.e.s LGBT. Parallèlement, il n’existe aucun enseignement standardisé sur l’histoire politique et artistique LGBTQ canadienne. L’étude de l’histoire de l’art LGBTQ est un domaine limité à une petite minorité étudiante qui a le privilège d’y accéder dans le cadre de certains programmes spécialisés en arts; et encore, ces programmes sont très souvent centrés sur les artistes américains et l’étude des événements historiques américains. Ainsi, nous héritons d’une tendance à toujours insister sur le « nouveau » dans l’absence de connaissance sur notre héritage. C’est pourquoi nous proposons un programme de résidence d’artiste explicitement canadien, LGBTQ et intergénérationnel dans le but de bâtir notre communauté et de partager nos visions.
Le programme de résidence vise à faciliter une conception et une expérience de la longévité LGBT en offrant un espace pour le partage de pratiques, la formation en gestion de carrière artistique et le développement communautaire. À l’heure actuelle, il n’y existe pas de vision concrète de la longévité LGBT. Il n’y a aucun investissement sur le vieillissement du corps trans de la part de la communauté médicale et aucune stratégie pour soigner les aîné.e.s LGBT. Parallèlement, il n’existe aucun enseignement standardisé sur l’histoire politique et artistique LGBTQ canadienne. L’étude de l’histoire de l’art LGBTQ est un domaine limité à une petite minorité étudiante qui a le privilège d’y accéder dans le cadre de certains programmes spécialisés en arts; et encore, ces programmes sont très souvent centrés sur les artistes américains et l’étude des événements historiques américains. Ainsi, nous héritons d’une tendance à toujours insister sur le « nouveau » dans l’absence de connaissance sur notre héritage. C’est pourquoi nous proposons un programme de résidence d’artiste explicitement canadien, LGBTQ et intergénérationnel dans le but de bâtir notre communauté et de partager nos visions.
PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT est ravi d’annoncer la sélection d’artistes pour l’été 2014 :
Micha CARDENAS (Toronto, Ontario/Los Angeles, Californie)
Derek DUNLOP (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Syrus Marcus WARE (Toronto, Ontario)
Micha CARDENAS est une académique et une artiste qui utilise la danse, le texte et les technologies interactives. Elle oeuvre sur une série de performances mélangeant mouvement et poésie, des oeuvres vidéos et une expérience Web interactive.
Micha CARDENAS (Toronto, Ontario/Los Angeles, Californie)
Derek DUNLOP (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Syrus Marcus WARE (Toronto, Ontario)
Micha CARDENAS est une académique et une artiste qui utilise la danse, le texte et les technologies interactives. Elle oeuvre sur une série de performances mélangeant mouvement et poésie, des oeuvres vidéos et une expérience Web interactive.
Derek DUNLOP utilise des processus de dessin et de peinture ainsi que l’abstraction queer afin d’explorer trois nouvelles façons de concevoir des oeuvres sur papier suite à son travail récent au studio.
Syrus Marcus WARE est un artiste visuel, un activiste communautaire et un éducateur jeunesse. Il conçoit des toiles grand formats portant sur des thèmes d’archives, d’histoires et d’activisme LGBT à Toronto.
Le juré a également retenu deux candidats suppléants. Grâce à l’appui généreux d’un donateur, ceux-ci peuvent également participer au Programme de résidence d'artiste intergénérationnel LGBT en partageant les studios et en participant à la communauté du centre. Leur inclusion enrichira l’expérience de l’ensemble des participant.e.s lors de cette résidence de 2014.
Suppléants :
Alec BUTLER (Toronto, Ontario)
Alec BUTLER (Toronto, Ontario)
Joshua VETTIVELU (Thornhill, Ontario)
Alec BUTLER oeuvre présentement sur My Friend Brindley, un documentaire portant sur l’héroïne historique méconnue Brindley (maintenant décédée), leur amitié, leur pratique artistique et leur activisme, sans oublier le sujet tabou de la mort et du deuil.
Joshua VETTIVELU se servira des paysages de Gibraltar Point et des îles avoisinantes afin de développer des oeuvres terrestres, des sculptures temporaires et des pièces vidéos.
Nous aimerions remercier l’ensemble des personnes qui ont soumis leur candidature cette année! Nous avons reçu des soumissions de partout au Canada, d’Halifax à Québec en passant par les prairies, ainsi que de Californie, de Caroline du Nord et de Brooklyn. Le comité a eu la tâche ardue de n’en retenir que quelques unes. La sélection des artistes en résidence de 2014 fut effectuée par Elisha Lim (artiste), Kelly McCray (commissaire) et Kathleen Pirrie-Adams (commissaire et professeure, School of Image Arts, Université Ryerson). Chacun.e de ces enseignant.e.s artistiques contribue son historique et son expérience au processus, ajoutant à la crédibilité et au sérieux du projet. Nous avons considéré les soumissions de candidatures selon une multitude de critères afin de rassembler une cohorte de résidents cohérente.
Parmi les candidat.e.s du PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT, nous avons pu constater une diversité d'âges, de phases de carrière et de genres. Les œuvres soumises faisaient preuve d'une passion, d'une rigueur et de multiples inspirations; elles provenaient d'une grande variété de médias et de pratiques qui suscitent l’enthousiasme. Nous aimerions reconnaître en même temps le rôle intégral dans le développement de ce projet qu'ont joué tous ceux et celles à qui nous n'avons malheureusement pas pu offrir une place, et nous vous encourageons à soumettre votre candidature de nouveau l'année prochaine.
Ce programme de résidence rassemblera dans le local du centre Artscape Gibraltar Point les perspectives créatives de la relève avec celles de professionnels renommés du domaine de l'art. Autrefois connu comme la Toronto Island Public and Natural Science School, le centre Artscape Gibraltar Point comprend un centre de retraite ainsi que des studios et des logements pour les artistes. À quelques minutes de marche des plages naturistes de Hanlan's Point, le centre est doté de sa propre plage semi-privée en retrait de la route et dissimulée des regards grâce à des des bosquets d'arbres. Le terrain est quadrillé de sentiers en planches de bois afin de le conserver dans son état naturel. Pour les descendants du peuple Ojibway, soit la Première Nation de Mississauga, les îles de Toronto sont des terres sacrées. Reconnu à travers le monde comme un lieu de refuge et de tranquillité pour les membres de la communauté artistique et associative, le cadre idyllique du centre Artscape Gibraltar Point offre un espace fécond de réflexion, d'expérimentation et d’échange d'idées.
Un événement de clôture ouvert au public se déroulera le 14 juillet afin de célébrer les participant.e.s et la réalisation du PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT. Cette occasion nous permettra également de reconnaître nos donateurs et de récolter des fonds pour la continuité et l’aggrandissement de la résidence en 2015.
Nous vous invitons à consulter notre page Facebook et notre site Web http://www.queerartistresidency.ca pour vous renseigner sur les artistes et les événements ouverts au public. Pour ceux qui souhaitent faire un don au Programme, nous vous invitons à cliquer sur le lien PayPal de notre site Web.
En explorant l’histoire de l’art et les pratiques artistiques LGBT dans un cadre de parrainage des artistes et du soutien de la production artistique, cette initiative communautaire nous permettra de faciliter la communication intergénérationnelle. PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT souligne la trajectoire et la durabilité de l’art LGBT, qu’il soit passé ou futur.
Tobaron Waxman
Directeur artistique
Programme de résidence d'artiste intergénérationnel LGBT
Centre Artscape Gibraltar Point
Toronto (Canada)
Alec BUTLER oeuvre présentement sur My Friend Brindley, un documentaire portant sur l’héroïne historique méconnue Brindley (maintenant décédée), leur amitié, leur pratique artistique et leur activisme, sans oublier le sujet tabou de la mort et du deuil.
Joshua VETTIVELU se servira des paysages de Gibraltar Point et des îles avoisinantes afin de développer des oeuvres terrestres, des sculptures temporaires et des pièces vidéos.
Nous aimerions remercier l’ensemble des personnes qui ont soumis leur candidature cette année! Nous avons reçu des soumissions de partout au Canada, d’Halifax à Québec en passant par les prairies, ainsi que de Californie, de Caroline du Nord et de Brooklyn. Le comité a eu la tâche ardue de n’en retenir que quelques unes. La sélection des artistes en résidence de 2014 fut effectuée par Elisha Lim (artiste), Kelly McCray (commissaire) et Kathleen Pirrie-Adams (commissaire et professeure, School of Image Arts, Université Ryerson). Chacun.e de ces enseignant.e.s artistiques contribue son historique et son expérience au processus, ajoutant à la crédibilité et au sérieux du projet. Nous avons considéré les soumissions de candidatures selon une multitude de critères afin de rassembler une cohorte de résidents cohérente.
Parmi les candidat.e.s du PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT, nous avons pu constater une diversité d'âges, de phases de carrière et de genres. Les œuvres soumises faisaient preuve d'une passion, d'une rigueur et de multiples inspirations; elles provenaient d'une grande variété de médias et de pratiques qui suscitent l’enthousiasme. Nous aimerions reconnaître en même temps le rôle intégral dans le développement de ce projet qu'ont joué tous ceux et celles à qui nous n'avons malheureusement pas pu offrir une place, et nous vous encourageons à soumettre votre candidature de nouveau l'année prochaine.
Ce programme de résidence rassemblera dans le local du centre Artscape Gibraltar Point les perspectives créatives de la relève avec celles de professionnels renommés du domaine de l'art. Autrefois connu comme la Toronto Island Public and Natural Science School, le centre Artscape Gibraltar Point comprend un centre de retraite ainsi que des studios et des logements pour les artistes. À quelques minutes de marche des plages naturistes de Hanlan's Point, le centre est doté de sa propre plage semi-privée en retrait de la route et dissimulée des regards grâce à des des bosquets d'arbres. Le terrain est quadrillé de sentiers en planches de bois afin de le conserver dans son état naturel. Pour les descendants du peuple Ojibway, soit la Première Nation de Mississauga, les îles de Toronto sont des terres sacrées. Reconnu à travers le monde comme un lieu de refuge et de tranquillité pour les membres de la communauté artistique et associative, le cadre idyllique du centre Artscape Gibraltar Point offre un espace fécond de réflexion, d'expérimentation et d’échange d'idées.
Un événement de clôture ouvert au public se déroulera le 14 juillet afin de célébrer les participant.e.s et la réalisation du PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT. Cette occasion nous permettra également de reconnaître nos donateurs et de récolter des fonds pour la continuité et l’aggrandissement de la résidence en 2015.
Nous vous invitons à consulter notre page Facebook et notre site Web http://www.queerartistresidency.ca pour vous renseigner sur les artistes et les événements ouverts au public. Pour ceux qui souhaitent faire un don au Programme, nous vous invitons à cliquer sur le lien PayPal de notre site Web.
En explorant l’histoire de l’art et les pratiques artistiques LGBT dans un cadre de parrainage des artistes et du soutien de la production artistique, cette initiative communautaire nous permettra de faciliter la communication intergénérationnelle. PROGRAMME DE RÉSIDENCE D’ARTISTE INTERGÉNÉRATIONNEL LGBT souligne la trajectoire et la durabilité de l’art LGBT, qu’il soit passé ou futur.
Tobaron Waxman
Directeur artistique
Programme de résidence d'artiste intergénérationnel LGBT
Centre Artscape Gibraltar Point
Toronto (Canada)
Note site Web : www.queerartistresidency.ca
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ILGBTArtistResidency
Dons : www.queerartistresidency.ca
Contact média : ilgbtresidency@gmail.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ILGBTArtistResidency
Dons : www.queerartistresidency.ca
Contact média : ilgbtresidency@gmail.com
17 May 2014
SINCERE THANKS TO ALL WHO APPLIED. We are now tabulating the applications for the 2014 residency in preparation for jurying next week.
Our esteemed jurors for the 2014 INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY are:
Elisha LIM (artist)
Kelly McCRAY (curator)
Dr. Kathleen PIRRIE ADAMS (professor, curator)
Kathleen Pirrie Adams is a writer and curator is completing a PhD entitled Popular Music Remains: Artifact, Experience and the Museum as Interface at the University of Leicester. Her writing and curatorial projects focus on the influence of new media and popular music on contemporary art. She was a founding member of the band Fifth Column, a mainstay of the programming committee of Inside Out in its early years, an arts writer for Xtra and the program director of InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre for seven years. She teaches contemporary art, cultural theory and curatorial studies at Ryerson University in the School of Image Arts.
Results will be announced in early June. Please stay tuned!
Our esteemed jurors for the 2014 INTERGENERATIONAL LGBT ARTIST RESIDENCY are:
Elisha LIM (artist)
Kelly McCRAY (curator)
Dr. Kathleen PIRRIE ADAMS (professor, curator)
Elisha Lim takes great pleasure in creatively portraying the beauty, dignity and power of being neither straight, nor white, nor cis-gendered. They also successfully advocated for Canadian gay media to adopt the gender neutral pronoun ‘they’. They have exhibited art and videos internationally, proudly including the debut solo of Toronto’s notorious Feminist Art Gallery. They have been art awarded grants by the Canada Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council and Quebec Arts Council, and have juried art grants in Canada and the States. They have lectured on race representation and gender neutral pronouns on panels, artist talks and United Nations conferences since 2009, and directed Montréal’s first Racialized Pride Week in 2012, for which they curated the central exhibit “2-Qtpoc” at the gallery articule. Their comics include the Bitch Magazine acclaimed “Sissy Calendar”, The Illustrated Gentleman, and most notably – 100 Butches, a graphic novel of portraits and anecdotes about masculine queers, with an introduction by New York Times bestselling author Alison Bechdel.
Kelly McCray has exhibited his work, curated exhibitions and directed galleries for the past 25 years. His photo-based work has been exhibited at museums, artist-run-centres, and film festivals. In addition to receiving various project grants, in 2003 he was awarded a Pollock-Krasner for hisGnawts project. In 2013, he co-curated the Rare & Raw show for the Leslie & Lohman Museum in New York. His previous curatorial shows at Edward Day Gallery include Flash, Obsession and Urtopia. He is co-founder of ArtBarrage.com, Bank on Art and currently consults with artists and businesses through the Your Art Our Business service.Kathleen Pirrie Adams is a writer and curator is completing a PhD entitled Popular Music Remains: Artifact, Experience and the Museum as Interface at the University of Leicester. Her writing and curatorial projects focus on the influence of new media and popular music on contemporary art. She was a founding member of the band Fifth Column, a mainstay of the programming committee of Inside Out in its early years, an arts writer for Xtra and the program director of InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre for seven years. She teaches contemporary art, cultural theory and curatorial studies at Ryerson University in the School of Image Arts.
Results will be announced in early June. Please stay tuned!
26 April 2014
Accessibility info: Artscape Gibraltar Point is physically accessible, including several ramps into the building, as well as washrooms (some, not all). Van rides are offered especially to those who might not be able to handle the 20 minute walking distance from the Hanlan's Point dock to AGP. Please message us if you have any additional questions or concerns about access!
15 April 2014
This summer sees the
triumphant continuation of the Intergenerational LGBT Artist
Residency. The residency will take place July 1 - 15, 2014, in partnership with
Artscape Gibraltar Point, and with the support of the Ontario Arts Council. The Summer 2014 Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency Application
deadline is MAY 15, 2014, and results will be announced early June. Please
forward this call to the artists, historians, curators and collectors in your
network and anyone else who might be interested in this unique opportunity.
The aim of the
Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency is to help create a vision and
experience of LGBTQ longevity through shared practice, art career management
training, and community building via Canadian LGBT art and political histories.
Artscape Gibraltar Point, a children’s school which was repurposed by Artscape
as an artist residency and retreat centre, is partner with this project.
Generous funding has been provided by the Ontario Arts Council and private
donors. Room and board is provided to each of the residents, who will also
receive mentoring and studio visits from critically acclaimed artists,
arts professionals and curators.
Details about
the Residency and the application form can be accessed through our website (http://www.queerartistresidency.ca/). This information can also be shared via the
project’s facebook page, where you can ‘friend’ us: https://www.facebook.com/ILGBTArtistResidency
Our esteemed panel of Jurors for the
2014 Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency:
- Elisha Lim (artist)
- Kelly McCray (curator)
- Kathleen Pirrie Adams (curator, professor)
Our strategy this summer at the Intergenerational LGBT Artist
Residency is to create something that is both more spacious and more intimate
for everyone involved. We will have three (3) residents this summer, each will
have their own studio. The residency occurs immediately following World Pride.
This timing affected by the potential of the nurturing environment that the
residency creates, will catalyse a critical framework, as well as empathy
and gratitude, and the psychic space in which an artist can get a lot of
work done.
Similar to last summer's approach, artists, curators
and arts professionals are invited to visit the residency for lunch, to do
studio visits with the residents, give a public presentation if they wish, and
spend time in the community the residency creates. During the inaugural residency in 2013, studio
visits were conducted by Nina Arsenault, Micha Cardenas, Del la Grace Volcano,
Elisha Lim, David McIntosh, Wanda Nanibush, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, Tobias
Sirtl, Jordan Tanahill, Marcus Syrus Ware. For the 2014 Intergenerational LGBT
Artist Residency confirmed guests include:
Studio visits:
- Deanna Bowen (artist)
- Jon Davies (curator)
- and others to be confirmed upon confirmation of the artists of the 2014 cohort, and their specific interests and needs.
Professional development workshops,
specifically tailored to the unique needs and concerns of LGBTQ and gender
non-conforming artists:
- Kristian Clarke from CARFAC will do a workshop with the residents.
- Kadija De Paula, who has facilitated residencies throughout Brazil and across the Americas, will also do a variation of her workshop about artist residencies
The residency concludes with an open house event, on July 14, for both
sponsors and public to attend and meet the artists/see their work/performances,
The Summer 2014 Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency Application deadline is MAY 15, 2014, and results will be announced early June. The application can be found at:
Please feel free to send in any questions about the application process. We look forward to seeing you on the island!
31 March 2014
Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency presents: COMAN POON PERFORMANCE: E̶X̶P̶E̶R̶I̶M̶E̶N̶T̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶W̶I̶T̶H̶̶ HOW TO STOP MAKING ART
The Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency in partnership with Videofag present:
Coman Poon April 2, 3, 4 2014
Coman Poon is poised to take the lid off the box. Over a dozen banker boxes, actually.
In E̶X̶P̶E̶R̶I̶M̶E̶N̶T̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶W̶I̶T̶H̶̶ HOW TO STOP MAKING ART, Coman Poon invites the public to join him in a process of inquiry. Recently moved into his new, long-term housing, Coman found himself finally able to retrieve all his belongings from various storage spaces, and for the first time in seven years, bring all his worldly possessions home. Finally surrounded by the items he had held onto for so long, he realized he was surrounded by things to let go of. During the The Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency, Coman worked with the architecture of the old Island Natural Science School, crawling deep under the floorboards (literally) of interstitial spaces he found at the site and within himself, via his theoretical research, performance rituals, studio time and critiques with visiting artists and curators. As an artist whose practice has included a sublime consideration of objects, costume, movement and gesture, Coman takes this opportunity for a 72-hour exhibition, hosted by Videofag, to ask himself to choose something he sought after and cherished, something hard to let go of and hard to give away, and release it. What are the stakes of engagement in the act of releasing? In deconstructing the container of our expectation of the gallery experience, Coman’s exhibition is not an exhibition but rather a proposition, with a title struck through. When transitioning from transient to located, or mobile to fixed, we hold on to our materials until we are ready to embrace the consequences of letting go.
E̶X̶P̶E̶R̶I̶M̶E̶N̶T̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶W̶I̶T̶H̶̶ HOW TO STOP MAKING ART is open to the public on April 3, (9am - 5pm) and April 4, (9am - 5pm)
April 2 / day 1 - closed to the public (10 - 5)
April 3 / day 2 - open to the public (9 - 5)
April 4 / day 3 - open to the public (9 - 5), finissage 3 - 5
Videofag 187 Augusta Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5T 2L4
The Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency is an annual summer residency on the Toronto Island at Artscape Gibraltar Point, offering a juried cohort of LGBT artists free room, board and studio space in which to develop projects critically engaged with Queer political histories.
Videofag is a storefront cinema and performance space in Toronto’s Kensington Market dedicated to the creation and exhibition of video, film, new media, and live art. http://www.videofag.com/
Coman Poon April 2, 3, 4 2014
Coman Poon is poised to take the lid off the box. Over a dozen banker boxes, actually.
In E̶X̶P̶E̶R̶I̶M̶E̶N̶T̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶W̶I̶T̶H̶̶ HOW TO STOP MAKING ART, Coman Poon invites the public to join him in a process of inquiry. Recently moved into his new, long-term housing, Coman found himself finally able to retrieve all his belongings from various storage spaces, and for the first time in seven years, bring all his worldly possessions home. Finally surrounded by the items he had held onto for so long, he realized he was surrounded by things to let go of. During the The Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency, Coman worked with the architecture of the old Island Natural Science School, crawling deep under the floorboards (literally) of interstitial spaces he found at the site and within himself, via his theoretical research, performance rituals, studio time and critiques with visiting artists and curators. As an artist whose practice has included a sublime consideration of objects, costume, movement and gesture, Coman takes this opportunity for a 72-hour exhibition, hosted by Videofag, to ask himself to choose something he sought after and cherished, something hard to let go of and hard to give away, and release it. What are the stakes of engagement in the act of releasing? In deconstructing the container of our expectation of the gallery experience, Coman’s exhibition is not an exhibition but rather a proposition, with a title struck through. When transitioning from transient to located, or mobile to fixed, we hold on to our materials until we are ready to embrace the consequences of letting go.
E̶X̶P̶E̶R̶I̶M̶E̶N̶T̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶W̶I̶T̶H̶̶ HOW TO STOP MAKING ART is open to the public on April 3, (9am - 5pm) and April 4, (9am - 5pm)
April 2 / day 1 - closed to the public (10 - 5)
April 3 / day 2 - open to the public (9 - 5)
April 4 / day 3 - open to the public (9 - 5), finissage 3 - 5
Videofag 187 Augusta Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5T 2L4
The Intergenerational LGBT Artist Residency is an annual summer residency on the Toronto Island at Artscape Gibraltar Point, offering a juried cohort of LGBT artists free room, board and studio space in which to develop projects critically engaged with Queer political histories.
Videofag is a storefront cinema and performance space in Toronto’s Kensington Market dedicated to the creation and exhibition of video, film, new media, and live art. http://www.videofag.com/
30 June 2013
I am thrilled to announce the cohort for the inaugural
at Artscape Gibraltar Point:
Raphaële FRIGON (Montreal, Quebec)
Coman POON (Toronto, Ontario)
Eshan RAFI (Toronto, Ontario)
Jes SASCHE (Toronto, Ontario)
Gary VARRO (Regina, Saskatchewan)
Sincere thanks to everyone
who showed confidence and solidarity
with the vision of this project,
to the Ontario Arts Council for recognizing the importance
of this project and for their financial support,
thank you to all who applied,
to the Ontario Arts Council for recognizing the importance
of this project and for their financial support,
thank you to all who applied,
and gratitude to our esteemed jurors
Elisha Lim, Kathleen Pirrie Adams and David McIntosh
for their hard work!
Please stay tuned for updates about public programming and open studio events during the residency, as well as bios for the five residents.
Thank you for your continued solidarity and belief in this project!
Your donations via the PayPal button are dearly appreciated, at any amount.
We look forward to seeing you on the island!
Seasons greetings,
17 April 2013
Dear colleagues and friends,
I’m proud to announce the launch
of a two-week pilot program this summer,
the first intergenerational artist-in-residency program
for LGBTQ artists in Canada.
The residency will take place with the support of
the Ontario Arts Council, and the collaboration of
Artscape Gibraltar Point, on the Toronto Island
August 12 to 26, 2013.
Acclaimed art professionals Elisha Lim, David McIntosh
and Kathleen Pirrie-Adams will serve as the jury
selecting our inaugural artists-in-residence.
will offer studio space and free room and board to five artists
for the duration of the two-week residency. Residents will also receive mentoring and studio visits from critically acclaimed artists and curators.
Please pass along this information to LGBTQ artists in Canada, of any age, whether established or emerging, whom you think might be exceptional candidates and who would benefit greatly from a program such as this. I've attached the application for our inaugural summer program. You can also direct artists to our website http://www.queerartistresidency.ca where they can download the pdf. Interested parties can also donate via Paypal, on our website. The Summer 2013 Artist-in-Residence Application deadline is MAY 25, 2013, and we hope to notify artists by early July.
By exploring
Canadian LGBT art history and artistic practice,
Gibraltar Point Light, Toronto, November 2006 Flickr Creative Commons photo by Dane |
and art production, we could foster communication across generational lines with this community building initiative that highlights the trajectory and longevity of LGBT art both historically and reaching into the future.
Thank you for supporting this project.
Warm regards,
Toronto, ON, Canada
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